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Thursday, September 10, 2015, GMT-0700
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Security of Things Forum

Thursday, September 10, 2015, GMT-0700

Security of Things Forum
September 10, 2015

Cambridge, MA

TCG is sponsoring the Security of Things Forum (SECoT 2015), a high-impact day of learning, discussion and debate focused on the pre- eminent challenge of our time: securing the Internet of Things. SECoT 2015 brings together players from across industries with a stake in the future of the Internet of Things.

Security Ledger Editor in Chief Paul Roberts will open the Security of Things Forum with a brief talk entitled “Securing the IoT: Haven’t We Been Here Before?”

TCG member Stacy Cannady, Cisco Systems and TCG IoT Subgroup co-chair, will be demonstrating Securing Auto Data: A Demonstration of a Secure Remote Firmware Update with a Trust Platform Module (TPM) for the Vehicle ECU.

Please click here for the Securing IoT with Trusted Computing Demo overview.

For more information, please visit http://www.securityofthings.com/

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