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Sunday, January 4, 2015, GMT-0700
Monday, January 5, 2015, GMT-0700
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Storage Visions 2015

Sunday, January 4, 2015, GMT-0700 - Monday, January 5, 2015, GMT-0700

Storage Visions 2015

January 4, 2015 – January 5, 2015

Las Vegas, Nevada

When:  January 4 – 5, 2015
Where: Las Vegas, Nevada
Venue:  Riviera Hotel and Conference Center
Description: The annual Storage Visions Conference will feature sessions exploring the latest developments in digital storage security and data recovery. The two-day conference will feature keynotes, sessions, and exhibits on  consumer electronics, media and entertainment, enterprise storage suppliers and customers, storage device manufacturers, storage system builders, and storage users.

Speaking Sessions:

Session B1 Sponsored By Trusted Computing Group:

  • Self-Encrypting Drives: Self-Contained, Solid, and Secure, Michael Willett of Samsung will talk about data protection and self-encrypting drives.
  • Wave Cloud Solution for SED Management, Bob Thibadeau of Wave Systems will talk about how SEDs are the fastest, easiest and most secure way to encrypt data on your devices.
  • SED Management with TPM Protection, Humayun Wahab of WinMagic will showcase how easy it is for business users to take advantage of the security provided by SecureDoc to manage a Micron Technology Inc. SED and leverage the built-in TPM as part of the authentication process.

See Hands-on Demonstrations in Booth #209:

  • Samsung | Self-Encrypting Drives (SED): Self-Contained, Solid and Secure
  • Samsung & Wave Systems | Cloud-based Management Solutions for SEDs
  • WinMagic & Micron Technology | SED Management with TPM Protection


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