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Monday, October 16, 2017, GMT-0700
Event Category:


DoubleTree Hotel Culver City
6161 W Centinela Ave
Culver City, CA 90230 United States
  • This event has passed.

Storage Visions 2017

Monday, October 16, 2017, GMT-0700

The 2017 Storage Visions® Conference is upping its game:

Moving to A NEW FORMAT (one day instead of two),
A NEW TIME (October instead of early January), and
A NEW LOCATION (Milpitas, in the heart of Storage Valley).
We plan a great one-day event looking at all aspects of digital storage technology and its applications. We are looking for partners to work with us on creating the next visions for digital storage at the 2017 Storage Visions Conference. Please join us, using discount code: M-Spec2017A, to put this great event together and help create the future.


One Very Full day packed with industry-leading keynotes, sessions, and exhibits featuring the latest architectures in memory and storage technologies.

TCG and Drive Trust Alliance will host a demonstration of encrypted drives based on TCG specifications. The demo is a USB drive appliance with up to two terabytes of backup storage that can be configured to automatically protect against ransomware and many other types of malware attacks.  This appliance provides host-centric, OS safe assurance on existing hosts against failures of other measures to detect or remediate against ransomware and other types of malware.  It is a new protection in a layered protection strategy urged by computer security experts worldwide.

Sessions On:
The Business of Digital Storage and Memory
Software Visions for High-Performance Applications
Hardware Visions for Ubiquitous Storage and Memory Everywhere
Clear Visions for Future Cloud Storage
The Many Applications for Digital Storage
Talking with End Users