TCG Blog

Trusted Computing Group engaging with South Korean High Tech Community

Date Published: August, 29, 2016

South Korea’s importance to Information Technology and the Automotive Industry has continued to increase over the years and security considerations are a crucial success factor for those industries..   The Trusted Computing Group (TCG) is excited to b… READ MORE

Data Protection Key to IoT and Embedded Systems

Date Published: August, 25, 2016

By now, almost all new storage drives - whether client or enterprise - include the ability to constantly encrypt data at rest. These drives, based on standards created by the Trusted Computing Group (… READ MORE

Trusting the Industrial Internet of Things

Date Published: August, 01, 2016

As we’ve mentioned before here at Trusted Computing Group, we have been working actively in the Industrial Internet Consortium on the development of its to-be-published security framework. According to a recent post from the IIC, “…utilizing the I… READ MORE

Cars Are Rolling Application Platforms – and They Need Lots of Storage

Date Published: July, 26, 2016

Storage expert and contributor Tom Coughlin has posted a blog about the growing amount  and value of memory devices in cars. Coughlin notes, “...estimated 5% of the memory market goes into automobiles today and this is expected to grow to 1… READ MORE

Save the Data: Self-Encrypting Drives

Date Published: July, 18, 2016

You do have a backup procedure for your computer already set up, right? If you don’t, now is the time to execute one. It should be easy. There are plenty of options, too. With ubiquitous cloud solutions and a myriad of online storage options, just a few… READ MORE


Date Published: July, 01, 2016

by Jun Takei, Intel Corporation TCGの役割は、世界を繋ぐデジタル情報通信基盤を安全に利用するためのツールを、標準化を通して社会に提供することにある。一方、政府や公共セクターの役割は… READ MORE

Hot, Hot, Hot: IoT, Security and Vegas July 11-14 at the IoT Evolution Expo

Date Published: June, 09, 2016

TCG and members, including WIBU, Infineon and Cisco, will brave the heat July 11-14 to demonstrate and talk to attendees of the IoT Evolution Expo. This event will look at a variety of Internet of Things-related topics, including security. Some fabulous k… READ MORE

How to Protect IP in the Internet of Things: TCG to Host June 7 Webcast with Infineon and WIBU Systems

Date Published: May, 20, 2016

Earlier this year, TCG hosted two dozen terrific demonstrations at the RSA Conference during its seminar sessions.  Among those demos was something that is becoming very compelling for many companies: protecting intellectual property from attacks and oth… READ MORE

We Cannot Trust the IoT; TCG to Speak at May IoT Developers Conference

Date Published: May, 05, 2016

By now, security experts, device makers and consumers are becoming aware that connected devices - from cars to baby monitors to wearables - are inherently insecure. The reasons for these vulnerabilities varies, but the result is the same: a stream of lost… READ MORE

Join Trusted Computing Group Members and SANS ICS Team for Webcast on Insecure Networks May 3

Date Published: April, 18, 2016

This year already has been a doozy for  industrial control systems, or ICS, security incidents. Experts are still puzzling over the Ukranian power grid hack (more here at Wired) and arguing about how to best prevent this type of take-over. Elsewhere, a n… READ MORE