TCG Recognizes Contributors to the Group and Trusted Computing

Date Published: November, 20, 2015

TCG Recognizes Contributors to the Group and Trusted Computing

Trusted Computing Group recently recognized 13 of its member company representatives for contributions to the development and adoption of global industry standards for trusted computing and security. The distinguished service and leadership awardees were nominated by TCG’s board of directors and key contributors were nominated by their peers.

David Challener, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab, was recognized for distinguished service, indicating a substantial body of work over an extended period of time and ongoing commitment to TCG’s mission and goals. Amy Nelson, Dell, Inc., received the 2015 leadership award, which recognized a member working collaboratively within the organization to advance TCG’s mission.

Key contributor awardees include:

  • Ronald Aigner, Microsoft, contributes to the PC Client Mobile Platform and Server Work Groups and has helped author numerous specifications and errata.
  •  Tomoki Aizawa, Insight International Corp., has led the development and maintenance of TCG demonstrations in Tokyo for TCG’s Japan Regional Forum, helping increase awareness and adoption in the region.
  • Will Arthur, Intel Corporation, heavily contributed to the TCG Trusted Solutions Stack and related specifications and co-authored the TPM 2.0 book for increased knowledge and adoption of the TPM.
  • Alec Brusilovsky, InterDigital Communications, LLC, co-chairs the Trusted Mobility Solutions and Mobile Platform Work Groups and serves as subject matter expert in international telecommunications standards.
  • Ga-Wai Chin, Infineon, served as primary editor for elements of the TPM 2.0 specification to ensure accuracy and actively contributed to the TPM Work Group as it developed its newest specification.
  • Hiroyuki Koike, Intel Corporation, has had a key role in the Tokyo TCG demonstrations, which include those for Trusted Network Communications, TPM and embedded systems security.
  • Xin Liu, National Technologies, Inc., co-chairs the TCG Greater China Regional Forum and participates in the TPM Work Group.
  • Ira McDonald, High North, Inc., has contributed to the Mobile Platform, Trusted Mobility Solutions, Trusted Network Communications and Embedded Systems Work Groups, where he has played key roles editing and providing subject matter expertise.
  • Seiji Munetoh, IBM, has worked actively in the Japan Regional Forum and TPM Work Group, for which he has organized and presented educational seminars for local developers and technologists.
  • Charles Schmidt, the MITRE Corporation, has worked actively in the TCG Trusted Network Communications Work Group and Endpoint Compliance Subgroup and contributed significantly to other subgroups.
  • Grace Wei, Intel Corporation, has played a key role in the adoption of TCG’s TPM specifications as ISO/IEC international standards

These contributions represent a tremendous effort and expertise. We commend our members for their input and support. More info can be seen here.



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Trusted Computing

Standards-based Trusted Computing technologies developed by TCG members now are deployed in enterprise systems, storage systems, networks, embedded systems, and mobile devices and can help secure cloud computing and virtualized systems.

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Trusted Computing Group announced that its TPM 2.0 (Trusted Platform Module) Library Specification was approved as a formal international standard under ISO/IEC (the International Organization for Standardization and the International Electrotechnical Commission). TCG has 90+ specifications and guidance documents to help build a trusted computing environment.

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