TPM Secures Wireless Access Points

Date Published: January, 01, 2015

Much has been made recently of unsecured certificates and passwords. TheHeartbleed OpenSSL vulnerability, which left keys in the open and vulnerable to hackers, alone has created countless hours of work and coverage. And lost or stolen passwords and keys continue to be an issue.

Recently, we here at TCG came across a terrific blog post from Aerohive that talked about how wireless access points must be secured.

Aerohive points out that traditionally, developers didn’t think WAPs needed much security, because they relied on “thin AP’ architectures that didn’t store anything locally.

That has changed, notes the company, now that vendors continue adding a number of features including data forwarding, meshing, mutual authentication and the like – all of which require that keys and configuration information be stored on the access points themselves.

These access points are now everywhere: gyms, retail stores and restaurants, and everywhere else. Aerohive has developed an architecture that includes the TPM, which encrypts network credentials and keys. So even if the AP is physically attacked, lost or stolen, it’s secure.

Kudos to this company for integrating the TPM.

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Trusted Computing Group announced that its TPM 2.0 (Trusted Platform Module) Library Specification was approved as a formal international standard under ISO/IEC (the International Organization for Standardization and the International Electrotechnical Commission). TCG has 90+ specifications and guidance documents to help build a trusted computing environment.

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